Sunday, September 25, 2011

Angel DeQuinta*

The spotlight is on the main character the whole time trying to keep the concentration on her speicifically because she is the main singer in the video excerpt. The use of this technology is to distinguish who is the person you should keep your attention on through out a musical because in most musicals there are more than twenty people on the stage singing and performing and the spotlight is used for you to understand the story more by paying attention to the right person.

The technologies that I found in this video are the lights in the background of the stage that spell out Cabaret used in the famous broadway. This method of technology is used in order for the audience to remember the name of the play or musical and by the lights being visible in the background designed in a special way people will remember it for a long time. 

Stage lights - At 2: 05 you can clearly see the stage lights that are blue red and white while the stage background are the same colors. The reason why stage lights are so important in modern day is because it plays a huge role in setting a mood depending on the scene. Stage lights are also important because different colors symbolize different things for example red can represent broad daylight while blue can represent night time. 

La Cage Aux Folles - The man speaking in the video has a microphone attached to his blazer jacket. Wireless microphones are used to be placed on your body or either on your clothing. The advantage of using the wireless microphone instead of the normal microphone is that the person talking or performing has more space and can freely move around without having to hold anything in their hands. 

La Cage Aux Folles - In this Video excerpt, at 1 minute and 20 seconds you can see the type of technology used in this musical broadway as something comes down from the ceiling towards the performers and lifts them back up with different outfits. I believe that this is a very creative way to let the less important characters or back up dancers to leave the stage so that the attention is focused on the rest of the performers which will stay down. Technology has made it easier for us to create transitions in our plays, movies, videos or anything possible.

Wicked Broadway Musical - at 2: 50 in the clip the wizard flies with the help of technology while the song Defying Gravity plays. The writers make us believe that the wizard flew up on her broom while obviously we can see something black lifting her up to the air. If you closely concentrate while she is in the air there are two ropes holding her up on her left and right hand side. The reason why this technology is used is so that the audience could picture and imagine the essence of a fantasy and to relive the musical. 

42nd Street - The use of technology used in this broadway musical are the lights found on the stairs and the lit up signs in the background spelling out different words and entertainment areas. This method is used for different scenes and to illuminate the stage so that the audience can see the characters clearly. Another important factor would be composition, lighting may be used to show only the areas of the stage which the producer or director wants the audience to see, and to "paint a picture".

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